2013 in Review ???

Yeah that’s not gonna happen, everyone does it all the time and to be honest I really don’t feel like trying to recall the year at the moment. Instead I’ll pick one cool thing to go over that i did discover in 2013.
Small back story, for year I’d been using Sprint as my cell provider and finally after realizing that Id be paying for 4G services with a company that didn’t even have 4G in the area and had no plans to add them to their coverage area anytime soon. Thus especially coming to the end of the financial reserve Id been using to supplement my new income I opted it was time to make a switch, ironically the best option at the time, was good ol AT&T. If you want that back story you’ll need to go back in the archive and read about one of the Vegas trips. With this switch also came the opportunity to get access to a whole new supply of phones that before had been inaccessible from sprint primarily the iPhone 5S.
A few clicks and fewer phone calls and within a day or two i was now the proud owner of the iPhone 5S, which to me the iPhone was simply an over glorified iPod touch, based on reactions from other friends who had the older iPhone models. Luckily I didn’t have to experience this and there was only a few hiccups that since I’ve been able to work around or just to come accept. But one of the coolest things was the multitude of apps that were available. One of which has led to and onslaught new discovery thanks largely to one single app; Apps Gone Free by AppAdvice.
Even if your already a die-hard iPhone user this simple app can at the very least let you know when some of those paid apps you’ve been eyeing become free for a limited time. That in itself is all the app does, but that’s what makes it great. Everyday the Crew at Apps Gone Free gives users a list of premium apps that for a limited time are free, Sometimes its a day sometimes a week, on a rare occasion a month or more. As well as listing per day though push notifications the apps also keeps a running tally and updates these archives with ones which have expired and ones that are still offering free downloads. I addition to all the features include in the app itself, if you wis to see even more free apps you can checkout their website for even more free apps they recommend as well as produce.
A few note worthy apps I’ve acquired include:
AppZilla 3 by Fossil Software. An All in one app with over 150 built-in useful smaller apps like a currency converter, contacts backup and corrector, along with several games.
Zedge by Zedge. Originally the app was made for Android devices but was later ported to support the iPhone. The only catch to this app is that to get ringtones from their sight to your device you will need to have the tone sent to your PC/MAC and then synced via iTunes . However wallpapers can be downloaded directly, this is not due to the app designers but one of iTunes security features. again one of the workarounds I’ve learned to deal with.
Google Chrome by Google. This is a no brainer, yes the iPhone comes with Safari, however there are several features it just can’t handle, mainly the ability to sync across several devices, especially non mac devices. With Google chrome I can open several tabs with different pages and then access those very same tabs and pages On my PC, iPad and Android devices with no hassling or cumbersome iTunes syncing.
Xbox 360 SmartGlass and Xbox One SmartGlass by Microsoft. Tired of trying to type out the reply your gaming buddy across the county with a game controller and dont want to fork out $40.00 for the keypad or wait for good knows how long before they have a keypad for those fortunate enough to have an Xbox One. With the SmartGlass apps you wont have to as it utilizes the native keyboard on the device in use. No more having to duck into corner on multiplayer games to read and incoming message as notification are pushed top the app itself.
Of course there’s also some of the essentials for the social age we live in
And for those less productive times when you just need something to do or watch
HBO GO, SHO Anytime, and Hulu Plus
or listen to
Stitcher, Audible, Pandora, iHeartRadio, 8tracks
and if you cant figure out what that song is.
Shazam and Soundhound
Hope these help you get on your way to discovering the vast capabilities of the iPhone.
To note this essentially a filler article since i really didn’t have time to compose the intended material, none the less these types of posts will be part of my writing routine simply because its something I enjoy, as well, being content writer is something I wish to pursue and these are the types of article they usually composed of, after all practice is the key to success. That being said here’s some of the topics I intend to cover other than just my life.
Music: New music I feel is worth mentioning, how i feel most of the new hip hop and rap ultimately is garbage, and of course the Golden Age of Hip Hop.
Movies: The good, the bad, the pointless
Food: Mainly recipes I want to try, recipes I have tried and the end results, and of course when its capable restaurant reviews.
Technology: Phone Apps, Gaming Consoles and games, and of course cutting the cord to the cable companies.
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