Bringing it back from the Old Skool

So Katrina Finally got me suckered into using Facebook on a regular, and just like my crack berry I’ve been subjected to a new addiction that I’m sure there’s already a 12 step program in place for. On a serious note, I have found it to be a much more mature environment to locating old classmates neighbors, drinking buddies and so forth. Without the constant barrage of bullshit bulletins like MySpace does. In all honestly the only reason I kept using MySpace was for Mafia Wars, Mobsters, and a few of the other turn based games, but even with these claws of fake mafia game play securely sunk into me, I’ve found that Facebook offers the same games.

I digressed back there, point being…reconnection, flashbacks, fond and not so fond memories, drudged up from the past, ironically, I came across a few old pictures while looking for some decent blackmail pictures of Ryan and Katrina that one day their children would be able to sue for some sort of restitution, or perhaps a get out a of jail free type thing. At the same time I wanted to check out Picasa’s new web album plugin for WP, so here I am making this post jsut to test the photo gallery 🙂

[picasa width=”400″ height=”400″ autoplay=”0″ showcaption=”1″][/picasa]

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