Friday December 13, 2002 at 01:43 pm

See now that I’m back at work I’ve totally forgot what I was going to write, oh well I’m sure it’ll come to me. I think it had to do something with a dream I had, I’m sure it was quite amusing though I can’t remember all the details Vicodin, NyQuil, and a few shots will do that to you. Anyway For the 1st time in a really long time I called in sick and stayed home, granted I would have gone into to work anyway even if I were sick, but the fact that I was having sever equilibrium issues when I woke up pretty much hindered any though of making it beyond my room, for as it turned out about 6 hrs. And yes this was before the Nyquil, and everything else, I woke up with a stuffy nose, aching all over, and zero balance.

I tried to sit up and resume my computer so I could see what time it really was, as all my alarm clocks are off by hours so that when I wake up I think it’s later that it really is, thus triggering the “Oh Shit, I’m late” adrenaline rush every morning. As I sat up I could have sworn I was straight, but within a few seconds I realized my face was hanging over the side of the bed. Let me tell you that is a scary feeling, having no control. I could understand if I were drunk, simply because I’d know I was just drunk, and it would eventually wear off, but to wake up and have that feeling is something different. Thinking I was having a severe head rush, I laid there a moment, trying to figure out why my nose was so damn stuffy, and why I was aching all over. But then I just assumed the lack of sleep and the irritating landscaper, blowing dirt all around outside my window was the cause of at least the stuffiness, and the constant sensation to sneeze. I tried to get up again to go to the bathroom, to at least remove the sleep from my eyes and once again try to make sense of things, but this time Was able to sit up, but felt like I kept going, which I suppose turns out I was, because As I stood up, the computer screen kept getting bigger and bigger until “THWAP!”, right into the desk.

Now normally that only happens if I’d had been playing racquetball all day the day before, and crashed soon after getting home, because that would then give my knee, all night to get all nice and tense in the center, and loose around the outside, thus with very little pressure exerted upon it in the morning I am welcomed with the painful yet reliving experience of popping my knee with the 1st step of the morning. The popping aspect is not so bad, I actually welcome it, the only problem is the instant it pops, it’s as if there is no longer any strength in my leg, and usually folds under the pressure, sending me in what ever direction gravity seems apparent at that time, so usually I hold on to something or at least brace my self against something until one or both knees have had their morning popping. Unfortunately this was not one of those cases though the left one did pop, the rest of my body felt like a wet noodle.

At this point I simply gave in, too much, too soon, too damn early in the morning. I reached over and debated whom to call, and opted to call everyone that I had listed (CYA- Cover Your Ass), I didn’t want the one time I’ve ever called in to work here to come back and bite me. Apparently everyone was busy because I only got voicemails; nonetheless, they all received a nice groggy message to welcome in their day. I then laid back down, grabbed the covers and went back to La La land, for another few hrs.

At some point during this lack of conscious period, I woke up enough to call in to work again, because the manager that answered was asking why I was calling back again, and that I had already called in, even though I didn’t remember calling the 1st time at the time, he laughed and told me to go back to bed, and to not come into work, so I did.

Ah now I remember what I was going to write before, but forgot, and I don’t see why I didn’t remember when I started this, because it does have to do with a dream, well dreams more or less. I’ve been coding my new site using entirely CSS, though I was never really big into plain old HTML, back when everyone was all about coding sites by hand, or when everyone was on the C++ coding trip. Anyway everyone I knew that did do all of that use to say they code in their sleep, I always found it to be funny, but at the same time I found it too be a relief because I never did it, thus I was not a complete geek as they were, I was still a bored Dj who did tech support to pay the bills. Well the other night I was having issues with the site and I couldn’t figure out what part of the code was not being recognized, and eventually gave up on it for the night, and crashed out. As I was laying there awaiting sleep, I kept thinking of all the other things I needed to do on the site, like how the folder hierarchy still needed to be done, how I still had to remove the unused code form the different style sheets, and just a bunch of other things, related to it. So I get to dreaming about something completely redundant and eventually I find myself sitting at my computer working on the site, in my dream.

From there it got kind of weird, it was as if I went form sitting at my desk to actually having the screen wrap around me, almost as if I was in the screen or that it was being projected all around me, either way I was enveloped within/around the computer, and looking at the site. The cool thing was I didn’t have to type anything I just looked at it and things started changing. Not like the Matrix type of changing but as if I was controlling everything by thought instead of typing manually, so I guess it was kind of Matrixy, anyway by the end of the dream almost everything on the site was done, and I had figured out the problem that I was having with code in reality. Now almost every night since this started, which was Monday, I’ve been “Dreaming in Code” so to speak, though I think many of the people that say they do it, actually code people in their dreams to move and other weirdness like that, hopefully I will not get to point of dreaming because though it’s a dream, my brain is exhausted when I wake up, thus making sleep almost seem pointless.

So as for the site progress, things are moving along nicely, I’ve created all the pages that had to be made, I’ve also converted all of the Darkest Hour to the new format, which was a pain, since I originally did them in Word, and it decided to use some old ass code in some weird areas, but nonetheless it has been converted. Now all that remains is to convert all my poems to the new format and create the McAllister page, the font directory page and place holder page. I’ll likely do most of the poems today while I’m getting over whatever sickness I have at work later tonight, if not then tomorrow.

Speaking of which Glenn, the owner of Landsharks, sent me his logo via email, so I can make a site for the place in my abundant spare time. So I may work on that this weekend as well. But 1st and foremost I have to get over this bug, which I blame solely on Mike and Steve.

Will that’s it for now, I think, I’m not sure, my brain has still not suite regained full operational status, and is subject to bouts of memory loss and head rushes through the day, or at least that what it seems like to me, so who know!

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