From a Dream to a Reality

Many have dreamed of a day like this a day when as a country as a whole we acknowledge and entrust the leadership of this country as a whole a African American president. For many it was a day they thought they would never see in their lifetime, for others (mainly children) it was something they never knew really existed. But within my lifetime I’ve seen a lot and this will be one of those moments that I will never forget and hope to pass on to my children one day.

My only wish was that I could have been there to experience it first hand, but from the first hand account from The DZ, I may have been the one guy to toss a chair and start an all out riot with the number of people in attendance and my lack of tolerance for large crowds. You can check out some of the pics she took while  she was there for the momentous occasion.  But here are a few that I personally liked

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