New Year …New Plans

Welcome to 2010, ironically enough never thought I’d see this day if you were to ask me this 20yrs ago, but I suppose back then I had a very bleak outlook on things, which leads to this post.

So as I sit here tweaking the new theme to the site, after showing a customer and example of a WordPress site, I started reading some of my very first posts that I made and a funny realization occurred, almost all of my posts were done at work…lol. So why does it seem like I find all the things to write about at work and in addition why did those almost weekly if not daily posts stop. Well I guess the latter is because I have a position now that doesn’t really allow me the freedom to write out these musings throughout the day. As for the 1st I dunno but last night I realized that whenever its time to go to sleep i find all the things in the world to actually do and the energy or motivation to them right then, but when I have all the free time in the world I usually don’t feel like doing any of those things.

Nonetheless I’m gunno go ahead and put out my top changes for 2010, I don’t like to call them resolutions because then they’re almost bound to fail , but these are ideas/guidelines not rules.

The biggest and probably the most important of them is to be more positive this year and going forward, no matter what the circumstances, granted I’ve made huge strides over the years, I still think this is something that needs to be improved upon. The second is to get back to writing, which is going to go along with the third. The third being to take , edit and post at least 1 new picture a day. Either of myself the bike or whatever, but in doing so it will warrant
at least a small writing to go along with it, and of course the 4th and 5th being to keep working on losing weight and to quit smoking. Now that I’ve written the plan out it looks like the best plan of attack would be to take a self portrait every day after working out or walking and posting what i did that workout or day to track my progress.

Sounds like a great plan huh, maybe I’ll try it.

Oh and as for it being already 7 days into 2010 I suppose I’ll pick 7 pics to post after i edit then to get caught up for the missed days, so it’ll actually be a full year.

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