Thursday January 16, 2003 at 06:13 pm

1st off props to TurboGrimmy on the book he recommended to me, that goes along with the great epiphany we came up with last night. The book is called “Who Moved My Cheese” and I think it’s something everyone should read at least once, it’s not a huge novel or anything and it actually says from the start it’s a parable.

I won’t get into the jest of everything it covers but, I highly recommend it, especially if there is something missing or unhappy in your life at the moment.

Now a lot of people may take the last post as a cynical or pessimistic statement, but in reality it’s just as a previously stated an epiphany, and “eye opener”. Last night Grimmy and I were sitting around kicking it and realized that our lives are not as they used to be and that we both wanted to go back to those times. But we realized that is something we can not do, but what we can do is find that catalyst that made our lives better at those times and reincorporate it into our existing lives

I’m tired…

I’m tired of the same humdrum bullshit everyday, the same people everyday, the same everything everyday, I need a change. I’m tired mentally and physically, I need…no I want a challenge

I’m bored…

The 2 words my best friends used to hate hearing come out of my mouth back in the day, because when I’m bored I’m really bored, and only something in the extreme nature, that challenges my mind, and possibly my body will break that rut of bored, that I find myself swimming in daily.

I’m not having fun anymore…

Plain and simple, I’m simply not having fun anymore, not to say I never have fun, but I’m saying I don’t have nearly as much as I used to, I want that back in my life, I need that back in my life.


Why or what made all these things that are no longer present in my life go away or diminish, simple the darkest hours of my life did. Everyone has them, it’s human nature, though I don’t know of many people that are specifically writing a book about like I am, but nonetheless we all have them. The darkest hour is just as it says, it’s that darkest point in our lives, where the light that we all strive for doesn’t extinguish, but is barley visible, it’s far off in the distant, out of immediate reach, making it seem almost impossible to regain it’s glow, and often times instilling the fear of having work 10times harder to regain it and the doubt of not reaching it again, thus diminishing the motivation to reach for it even further.

Why did I even bother to wake up…?

A question I found myself asking a lot, for a small period I wished every night that I would stay asleep and let the world move on without me for awhile, and simply leave me in the peaceful bliss of slumber. I need to find another reason to wake up, no matter what has happened in my life, and right now it’s to get back all that I lost, not tangibly but mentally, and emotionally I guess. I want the feeling of having something to look forward to in my day whether a significant goal to accomplish or to experience, as long as it’s different and its fun.

The problem

I’m tired…

I’m bored…

I’m not having fun anymore…


Why did I even bother to wake up…?

The Answer

Because someone moved my cheese, and now I need to go find some more!

It’s Maze Time!

3 Comments on “Thursday January 16, 2003 at 06:13 pm

  1. I read that book. I read that book and I like that book. To me, I think life is all about fun because to live life just waiting for the perfect golden opportunity to come to you wastes time. You should go out and snatch up all the opportunities that come along. No fun makes people bitter and boring. Boo.
    Anyway, good post, I like reading all your posts, really.

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