Tuesday December 17, 2002 at 02:05 pm

On with the weekend post shall we…


Woke up kind of early to go to work and put in a few hours, but only stayed and hour, since it turns out I didn’t have access to a network drive. So I called my friend Kim to see what she was up to that afternoon has we had made some plan to meet up at some point during the weekend, but as usual her plate was full and was busy shopping and doing other holiday stuff for the rest of the day, and wouldn’t be able to get away from anything before her plans for the night took effect, so it was off to the crib, temporarily at least.

Mike and Steve of course were already up, and watching something or another, whilst I immediately began the final touches on the new layout of Solitudes Sanctuary, which by the way is now complete and uploaded. Then Tom called to ask if we were rolling over for the weekly McAllister dinner and to watch the game, which I had completely forgotten about. So we all rolled over to watch U of A squeak by Texas. I say although it was a close game we still dominated, based on the fact that we were down a key person, and yet managed to always keep it tied or led the majority of the game, either way we won.

Go Cats

Now at some point in the day Grimmy had called to tell the big news but I’m not quite sure when, as it was during the game and thus my full attention was not immediately directed towards the call.

Apparently he had talked to his ex Fawna either that day or on Friday to tell him she was pregnant, and that she didn’t want to marry her new man, and that she had royally phucked up, but wait there’s more, and it’s a kicker. She doesn’t know who the father is, because according to her the time of conception is about the same time her and Sean last hooked up, but at the same time she and this new guy hooked up as well.

Now I don’t bout any of yall, but I’ve seen the scenario play out a dozen times before.

1) immature girl hooks up with good guy

2) immature girl gets bored

3) immature girls cheats and lies about it

4) good guy finds out

5) immature girl moves out

6) immature girl wants to come back after realizing how good she had it

7) good guy takes her back

8) immature girl gets bored again

9) immature girl thinks she can do whatever she wants because the good guy will always take her back

10) immature girls cheats again

11) good guy decides to yet remains friends

12) immature girl thinks she got it made, and moves away to peruse her pipe dream, whilst promising to stay faithful

13) immature girl cheats again and thinks it with something much better than the good guy

14) immature girl, prematurely laughs at the good guy, for playing him now 3 times

15) good guy, tell immature girl to phuck off

16) almost 2 months later immature girl sees the true nature of her new fling and doesn’t like it and wants to come back to good guy, yet know it’s impossible as she has already admitted to playing him previously

17) Immature girl with newfound ghetto wisdom decides the only way to get home is via the good guy, but she knows he won’t take her back again, but she knows that if he “HAD” to take care of something of his he would. And that she could use this to get her foot back in the door of his good graces

18) Immature girl call good guy, and says she is pregnant and that it may be the good guys and she wants to come home.

19) Good guy tells good friend whose seen this shit before and tells good guy of all the points above, noting the track records of lies, and patterns of behavior, as well as the fact that why would someone go to 2 different hospitals to get the same pregnancy test done, seeing as it’s done via blood and urine, thus alleviating the possibility of inaccuracy.

20) Good friend tells good guy that immature girl is only doing this to get back to him, because she knows she’s phucked up beyond all means of assistance in her new home Ghetto Ville.

So as Grimmy is telling me the situation all the above is going through my head whilst still watching Jason Gardner finally drop some bombs to seal the game up, and he tells me he’ll tell me the full version later as everyone was yelling and screaming at the game, and that he’d call me later. So we finish watching the game and playing with Kid, and roll back to the crib, with no real plans for the evening, for Mike and I at least, Steve on the other hand is going out to somewhere.

So at the last minute Mike and I decided to go peep out “The Friday after Next”, damn funny ass movie. Granted the 1st Friday will always rank as the best of any of them until Chris Tucker returns, but Michael Epps, is doing a good job in his own regards to the previous Friday’s. I won’t do a long ass review on this as it’s pretty much self explanatory if you’ve seen any of the past Friday’s, some shit goes down Craig and DayDay have to fix it, and funny ish happens in between.

On the way home however Sean calls and tells me he’s trashed over at Landsharks, and that we should roll down, unfortunately it’s almost 12:10 am by the time we get out of the movie, and thus would leave maybe 15 minutes of drinking if we did, and the fact that Mike has somehow thrashed his shirt at some point through the day and refuses to go anywhere without changing 1st. Which is understandable, if were at the crib, but seeing as he just wore the shirt out to Toms, and then the movies, even after stopping at the crib between the two, what difference should it make now. Nonetheless, we rolled back to the crib, and then I bounced out.

By the time I got there Glen, the owner was closing up, and Joe, was clearing the bar drains, but still offered up and Capt’n Coke for me, which I graciously accepted. Ashley and I then spent the next 40 minutes trying to pound some sense into Sean’s drunken skull, but were not succeeding very well, until I starting making answer yes or no questions leading to fact that she was bullshitting him. Ashley definitely wasn’t helping by constantly saying “if it’s yours you need to take care of it”, which really pisses me off, when it comes peeps like Mike, Tom, Sean, and I, seeing as for us, these things are a given and are not questionable in any sense. So for someone to constantly yap about it after it’s already been agreed upon is quite annoying, and makes you want to tell them to simply stop helping. Especially since this person was not even offering to make sure the drunk she was yapping at has a way to get home, but this may have become apparent when I showed up but either way, I wish she would have shut up sooner, has she started to give me a headache. At about 1:30 Glen finally kicked everyone out, and since Sean was having issues walking, there was now ay in hell he was driving. I drove Sean to his crib and dropped him off, after making pit stop at Jack in the Box, for some grub. Jack in the Box always seems to taste better when drunk, getting drunk, and after drinking, but not quite drunk. I tossed him his keys and told him to holla once he could manage to comprehend simple thought patterns the next day, and definitely after the room stopped spinning.


Phucked around with the site a bit more, as some of the links were off due to realizing our server is case sensitive. Then after a Mike’s argument of telling me that I am being antisocial decide to roll out to the Cabaret next to Woody’s for penny drafts. Granted it’s a great deal if you’re a big beer drinker, but I rarely drink beer anymore. So it kinda made it pointless, especially since the likely hood of hookin up with a dancer is slim to known at any strip club. But there was nothing else to do so I rolled anyway. Come to find out a few hours before, is that Steve’s bringing his new internet girl along, so at least I would have that as entertainment. I’ve already forgotten what her name was but she seemed to be a pretty kewl girl, and we had a lot in common, as we both enjoy Dj’ing, though she doesn’t know how, she asked if she could watch me some time, and show her how to get started, to which I told her would be kewl.

After the club, I was somewhat inspired to mix a bit once I got home, and through down a quick lil 4 song set, and finally opted to retire for the evening, since one of my Roland’s seemed to be taking a dump, or the cable is shorting out and is was becoming a nuisance. Hopefully by the end of the week I’ll have a 3rd monitor that I can use on the 450 and I will be able to have the tables running directly into the system and begin recording again. Especially since I finally got my copy of Warp Brothers vs Aquagen– Phatt Bass, which is for the most part a remix of New Orders – Confusion Pump Panel Reconstruction Remix.

So after all that my weekend was complete, now I’m off to start a new week, and to design the actual DjMgyx half of my site. But I’ll leave you all with this copy of a message posted into a class here at the University.

Are You a Potential Serial Killer?

The main character in the story is a girl in her mod 20’s. When she was at a funeral of her mother, she saw a striking man who also attended. She did no know who he was and did not have the courage to speak with him

He seemed to be the man of her dreams and, in this “short encounter”, she fell in love with him. A few days later the girl killed her own sister. When the Police asked her why she did it, she gave a shocking answer.

What was the motive she gave for killing her sister?

I’ll let this marinate on here for a few days and then I’ll post the correct answer. In the mean time read below.

This was a test that was administered by a rather well known American psychologist. He used it to segregate incoming Prisoners and discovered that many of the people who got the answer “right” had been locked-up for murder; many for multiple murders.

Many Imprisoned serial killers also took this test and answered it correctly. If you didn’t answer correctly, good for you. If any of your friends or perhaps spouse answered it correctly, I suggest that you keep your distance!

And with that note L8trz!

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