Tuesday October 29, 2002 at 01:14 pm

Today I am having a stupid day, no not me personally but apparently the vast majorities of the people interacting with me today are for a lack of a better word or phrase rather “Stuck on Stupid”. Normally I would blow this off, because on a typical basis, the occurrences of stupid or evenly intertwined with varied intellectual points of interjection (damn say that 3 time really fast), however today, the stupid seem to have gathered forces for an all out assault on my sanity, within the 1st hour of my day. Normally it would take until my lunch hour to count the number of incidents lacking even the slightest bit of common sense, just on one hand.

Yet here it is now 3:30pm and find myself questioning why I even bother with this job. 4 times today I have had to explain in great depth that the field marked “First Name” means to type in your legal first name, not your 1st married name, not the 1st half of your apparent 3 named composed 1st name i.e. Betty Louise Mary Smith Jones, meaning Betty Louise Mary is her 1st name. 7 times today I have to explain that “click here”, means click on the word here. The big question is, how the hell do these people make it through life. I wonder if they have serious internal debates on what the meaning of the word STOP is when they come upon a stop sign.

1 Comment on “Tuesday October 29, 2002 at 01:14 pm

  1. LOL. You totally know those people have a little cheat sheet in their car that says,”Green = GO, Red = STOP, find out what yellow means tomorrow”.

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