Wednesday March 20, 2002 at 09:43 pm

Damn, what an uneventful, yes draining weekend. Okay so it was more eventful than most weekends, and definitely more draining that any I’ve had in a long time. I guess it was cuz someone basically said I needed to take my own advice. Granted in the state I was in, would possibly put the whole conversation into the category of shear drunken BS, but since I only had a really good buzz going, it actually penetrated my otherwise thickened skull and made much sense. So mad props to McAllister for exploited my brain in it’s weakened state, I’ll remember that.

Anyway, the night was aight, Mike seemed to be on a short fuse all night, I don’t know if it was cuz he was still sick or if he was a little more upset about the evening than he should have been. But hey like I’ve been saying what’s the worst that can happen. Obviously it didn’t happen otherwise I doubt I’d be sitting here at work typing this up between calls.

Well to some it up, if I’d have known then what I know now, I would have done things slightly different, but since you can’t change the past one can only hope the opportunity presents itself again, and with the new found knowledge or awareness the mistakes of the past will not resurface in the future.

1 Comment on “Wednesday March 20, 2002 at 09:43 pm

  1. Hindsight is 200%
    We can only learn from our mistakes … if we do it again, it’s pure stupidity.  Hey, you learn a lot about ppl when they’re drunk!

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