Friday Night Lite 1-25-08

So a few of us gathered to a new spot called Oasian, over in Gilbert to support his new Sushi/Restaurant spot, it was the Grand Opening evening so things were still a bit awkward amongst the staff and such.

With lil left to due we made our way to Jilly’s In Chandler, who apparently forgot they were not some posh Snottsdale nite club and promptly tried to charge us $30 to park 4 bikes in one spot. Then tried to coaxed another $15 a head out at the door. Yeah I’m good, I remember when the spot was free and still wasn’t worth it most the time.

With the night drawing to a close we worked our way to Big Fish Pub, for last call.

So there you have it, tryign to squeeze too much into the rest of Friday after working all damn day, leads to well…not a whole lot! next time I think I’ll suggest sticking to one spot!

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