Monday July 29, 2002 at 06:54 pm

Monday July 29, 2002 at 06:54 pm

Lets me just start out by saying whoever made the work week last Monday thru Friday needs to be shot. There is simply not enough time during the weekend to completely unwind form the stresses of a work week, and even if your work week is not as stressful as mine is, there is still not enough time to completely recover form a night of drunken debauchery on Sunday, especially when you wake up at 2pm Sunday morning and are still buzzing like a Arizona horse fly outside a Filiberto’s restaurant, it only gets worse the harder you try to ignore it’s presence. Needless to say now, my weekend was chalked full of good intent, and productive activities.

Saturday morning Mike and I headed out to look at apartments but only got to the 1st one and decided we would take it versus looking at anything else. Which was kewl because I liked the apartment and it’s location, I suppose the only bad things is that it’s a little further drive to work for me, and though it’s still mostly highway driving the portion I’d be driving on kind of sucks as far as traffic is concerned. The other good thing is that because the apartment we originally were going to get was rented out from under us, we’re being given another apartment with the same layout sans fireplace next to the lake without the extra lake view charge. So if all goes well by Sept 1st I’ll be in a new crib, and with it extra bills, which leads to the whole reason for the begging statement in a weird kind of round about way.

Since I’ll be moving soon and having to pay additional expenses, this last weekend was probably me last chance to really go out and get as ripped as possible without any consequences financial wise for some time now.� Save for some very rare occasions, I think I will be limited to very low or no cover establishments and 1-2 drinks. Basically equally out to more than $25. Which in all honestly unless it’s a house party $25 won’t get you much of anything in any club or bar, thus making it pointless to even go to begin with. This being said Saturday was the CD release party for The Glory Revival, a local band that my best friend Aaron’s girlfriend plays in. There were four other bands that played as well Tramps and Thieves, Truckers On Speed, Fifteen Minutes Fast, and Jones Fracture.

Tramps and Thieves was the first band to hit the stage, and even though we arrived a few minutes late, I was able to catch the very unique sound. A mergence of country, rock, and grunge, and even a few hints of swing or at least that’s what the melody reminded me of at times

All the bands were good except for the fact sound/volume of Truckers On Speed kind of didn’t seem too appealing to most. And I don’t think it was an issues, of they played badly It was more of an issues, or it was too loud and most people ended up going outside to talk, smoke, whatever. It was a short lived set as every time the sound guy would knock the volume down the band would turn it up on their amps, so eventually it sounded as if the engineer dropped their levels so far down that even at max level on the pre-amps they couldn’t raise it up to where they wanted it and simply ended their set from what appeared to be 2 songs short.

Fifteen Minutes Fast was better than what I expected however they received mixed reviews from the group I was with. Aaron noted them to sound like Blink 182, but with a female singer/guitar player. Which he found to be a bad thing, I however thought their sound was good and definitely welcomed in comparison to the hardcore sounds of some of the other opening bands The Glory Revival has had in the past, whom has been known to kill the evening overall mood before the evening has even begun.

This was probably the 1st time I’ve heard Jones Fracture’s full set, and I must say they have a great sound and played very well together even with a new bass player. Hopefully I’ll be able to catch a few more of their shows in the future as they normally play on Friday nights, just before I get off work.

Now of course anyone who’s ever heard The Glory Revival, knows there’s a reason why they won best of Phoenix so many times, and crushed their opposition in the battle of the bands. Their on stage sound, style, and overall presence kicks the shit out of most others. The set covered a few new tracks that were included on the recent CD release s well as some crowd favorites including Be all Mine, and Stand Up, wrapping up and superb night of music

Now I’m sure your wondering how I managed to remember all this whilst partaking of the gross consumption of beverages. Simply put, “Cuz I can”, that’s right I have no idea how, but I have the ability to remember almost anything of personal interest or at least of personal interest that plays a great portion of my life, and or that of course is music. A good example of this is my 2 hour CD I dropped and recorded in 4 hrs with a close amount of gross beverage consumptions. The Plain English version, “I was lit, and ripped Phat tracks on wax”. The amazing part was I was able to record the whole thing, which will usually cause me to phuck up with 2-3 songs and only after 3 restarts am I able to fulfill a flawless set.

Anyway I regressed and apologize, more on the CD possibly later. So after about 7 Capt. and Cokes, 3 Amaretto Sours (for nostalgic reasons), 3 shots of whatever Mike bought, I was barley feeling much of anything, other than slight buzz, which is when I remembered Paul said he’d do a shot of 151 with me later in the night, as he was currently on a bender. So has the set was ending and they prepped for the last song, Paul began giving his shout out, and I handed him the infamous shot, lit a flame in all its glory (ironic I know). This made him stop and do a double take at the shot I was handing him and he laughed and doused mine out, proclaiming “Hey that things on fire T-man, you crazy”.

I slammed mine, and turned to see if he did the same, but all too soon did its toxins infect my blood stream, wishing and making me wonder why the hell I didn’t get a chaser of something, but it was too late. Broken leg and all I found myself dancing with Kim strangely, and a split second later with Jen, and then as soon as it had begun it was over, the house light came up and the music died down. Somehow I had lost track of everyone and was only able to see Rylee and Sybil. Sybil is not her name, but since she was being a little tease to everyone the entire night and wouldn’t tell anyone the same name twice I personally nicknamed her Sybil, and later revamped it to trifling troglodyte hizzotch. Nonetheless she once again tried to grab my wallet so I’d buy one of the Glory Revival CD’s, and was hearing nothing of the fact that I could easily get the CD for free just as I’ve did with all the others. But she persisted with the occasion breast flash to coax guys into buying. Which was decent for the momentary eye candy, but overall wasn’t all that, and definitely was unwanted as Rylee, Kim, and Jen walked up, which is when (mad props to Eric (foo-choppa #2, for the Mui Ti techniques, as no matter what state I’m in I always remember how to do it, as well has El Jefe, for the Ti Chi/ChiNa techniques) she decided it’d be fun to rub up, and try and snake my wallet from my pocket again. A quick harmless arm wrap found herself closer than she wanted to be, as I told her if she was rubbing up on me and grabbing my wallet that doesn’t say much for herself. With a small movement and a gentle push she found herself gently resting against the wall with me smiling at her has Jen took my wallet back for me. It was kewl for Jen to do; I know her, but the trifling identity crisis chick, I don’t know and thus lost props even if she did like to flash peeps. It’s all fun and games till ya phuck with my money.

At that point I think is when I pretty much used up the last bit of clear thinking ability I had at my disposal and managed to tell Mike I was rolling to the after party since he wanted to bounce and somehow found Aaron and Brianna and rolled to their crib so they could change. Let me just say I hate riding in the back of a 2 door car with no windows. Finally we arrived at Aaron’s’ crib and plopped down in the lazy boy, never to be seen moving again, okay well for at least the rest of the night. Everyone thought I was crashed but in reality I was in deep concentration…on the air vent to keep the room from spinning, finally after which it did finally stop I was able to close my eyes for a few hours only to be suddenly awoken by the beaming light of the morning sun. This prompted me to go to the extra bed that was set-aside for me, only to find it already occupied, leaving the couch to be my only resolve.

Finally I woke up at about 2pm still fairly lit and tried to maintain a coherency, by watching TV, after about an hour or so Brianna came out and joined me, and proceeded to tell me of the missed adventures from the after party. After which I called for the “sacrifice fly” to the rest of my conscious body parts and prepped my stomach for some liquid intake and drank 2 huge glasses of water. If your wondering what the sacrifice fly is, it’s just like the one in baseball, sacrifice a player to advance another. Basically I can’t eat or drink anything when I wake up, but since I was severely dehydrated from the night before I had to drink something to filter the rest of the alcohol out so I could at least begin to proceed with my day. The water acts as the sacrificed player, with no ill effects for the most part. One of two things was going to happen or both were going to happen.

One by drinking so much water, obviously this would cause one’s bladder to quickly fill up thus flushing kidneys and relieving some of the still present toxins. If this fails to occur it waters down anything still undigested thus making the kidneys job a little easier. The 2nd would be forcing the stomach to capacity leaving no other recourse than to either filter faster or you guessed it, toss it out the same way it came in. After the 3rd glass I realized my kidneys were still asleep and my stomach was getting pissed off and finally took matter into it’s own hands, I agreed after a few minutes of negotiations on the way to the bathroom, after which I felt much better and a gallon lighter.

I finally got home around 3 pm and opted to chill for the remainder of the day, and thus came a close to my weekend as I watched kid play “Blah Blah” aka The Sims. She calls them that because that’s what they sound like when they talk.

As for today, it’s been fairly light and standard, though Mike left me a message on my ICQ telling me that we had to get a different apartment, as the complex rented out the one we selected that same day. Apparently we get a lakeside view without the additional cost for the view, due to the mistake made by the leasing agents.


1 Comment on “Monday July 29, 2002 at 06:54 pm

  1. Mmmmm, Amaretto Sours. Sounds like good times had by all. As I’ve said before, video footage is also a good memory aid.

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