The Re-Assignment

Hot the heals of the Presidential election a conversation that has been played out since the phone companies allowed users to keep their numbers when they changes service providers.

What’s ironic about this is that I was already writing a article about both these subject, the irony is how they play together and how they occurred at the same time.

**The names have been changed to protect the idiots**

“Hello, is Tina there?”

“Who’s this?”




(moments seconds of silence…normal people fill in the gap right about here with the details that are obviously occurring)


“Can i leave a message for her”


(moments seconds of silence…normal people fill in the gap right about here with the details that are obviously occurring)


(moments seconds of silence…normal people fill in the gap right about here with the details that are obviously occurring)

“You have the wrong number and I’d appreciate if you people would stop calling and sending text messages to me”


Now with that scenario most people just hangup and go about their day, but here’s the thing I have so many people that I send text messages to (mainly Riders), that i get so many of these it’s becoming a damn epidemic, and I can say that because i call people all day logn and get the same repsonse from them when I’m calling from my work line to people all across the country.

Bottom line is you got a new number…you know they didn’t pull that new number out of thin air, as there is a finite number of 7 digit numbers currently available to use, so yes it’s likely it was someone elses. Now given your a grown damn adult you know that your’re going to get a number of unexpected calls, there’s was no need to be rude about it, hope the hell was anyone supposed to know that number was reassigned.

But no you were a dick and now some unsuspecting person is about to get a nice blast from hopefully enough people that they will think twice the next time they decide to cop an attitude with a stranger on the phone, because you never know just who will be accidentally calling you.

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