Hot the heals of the Presidential election a conversation that has been played out since the phone companies allowed users to keep their numbers when they changes service providers.

Hot the heals of the presidential Election a conversation that has been played out since the phone companies allowed users to keep their numbers when they changes service providers. What’s ironic about this is that I was already writing a …

The Wrong Damn Number Read more »

New Category – Phone Wallpapers/Backgrounds Since i’ve now gone through 3 phones this year, I’ve had to do a lot of backing up and reloading of some of the most basic things, but mainly wallpapers and profile pics and of …

Curve Backgrounds – T- Shirt Hell Read more »

So first it was the Samsung A920 He and I had gone thru many years of blissful companionship with very few if any drawbacks. Then I realized I needed more.

So I work in a call center, big whoop, most of yall know that, especially if you’ve followed my site(s).  So on an average day I call about 130 different people all across the world. Out of those 130 about …

Why do people buy shitty phones Read more »