Wednesday March 6, 2002 at 11:29 am

Hmm my weekend dull in one aspect and raging out of control in another. Dull since I really didn’t do much other than Maloney’s, Saturday and later Freedom. I don’t think me or Tom weren’t really feeling it, especially since he started nodding off at the table watching ESPN highlights. Mike on the other hand seemed to be destined to get one of drunk to provide some sort of entertainment for the evening. This of course was far from happening. We decided to bounce and drop Tom of at least then Mike and I rolled to Freedom for some drinks and to meet up with his friends. I ran into a few people I used to work with and for the most part called the rest of the night over and basically just sat back and observed everyone else. I think I may have had a better time if I has stayed at the booth and talked more with some girl that decided to just take up a seat next to me and started chatting. Nonetheless, Mike was well lit, and meandering around the club, so of course being the sober one again, I had to follow. It was definitely uneventful from that point out, going to the crib after hitting up Jack and the Crack, and watching Cheech and Chongs “Still Smokin’”.

Anyway Tom and I hit up some racquetball the next day and I got spanked, I was so not into it at all, after that Mike went and Saw Queen of the Damned, which I personally felt was a good movie, but Mike thought was lacking. I could help but think of back in the day when were so into our Vampire RP’ing, this of course lead to thoughts of the people we played with and of course the people that I no longer hear from or talk to.

Oddly enough I had already been thinking of many of them, and for a few not a day goes by that I don’t think of them if not once but many times a day. So it’s kind of odd that further along the weekend went the more things I heard and saw things that reminded me of them.

“…When your with someone and you just can’t seem to get both of your shit together, when is enough, enough…”

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