Wednesday July 17, 2002 at 06:49 pm

I almost forgot about a few things

Okay 1st before I completely forget. I had a PHUCKED UP! Dream last night. Okay somehow or another I was in Alaska, but not like the real Alaska, the stereotypical, fields of just white snow kind of Alaska. Anyway I was working at a Pizza Hut with Tom, and Mike, but there were 2 different stores that all 3 of us had to run. The weird part was the Stores looked like the meeting rooms at the Chandler MCI center and we all wore headsets like the ones we used to use at MCI. Tom of course sported a beat up old visor, that he used to use, and Mike wore a regular uniform, but I worse normal street clothes.

Anyway for some reason the dream consisted of me going between the 2 stores and checking on dough, but the dough was actually a baby. The stores were right across a small courtyard form each over and they were just big white domes. One was a RBD (Restaurant Based Delivery) and the other was a DELCO (Delivery Carry-Out) but there was usually 3 or 4 people walking between the 2 domes, anyway I ran into a bunch of people I knew as I walked and had small conversation with them. Nothing much just “hey long time no see type stuff”.

At 1st the 2 stores started out with a newborn baby, and it was like every time I went between the stores, the child would have aged like 3 months. So I started naming them the RBD and Delco babies. Anyway all of a sudden, a girl I knew, but couldn’t see exactly who it was came running towards me screaming that something was wrong with her baby. So I went to the Delco store and sure enough the baby looked a little strange but was, how should I say fixable.

So I gave the cook crew instructions on how to fix the baby, as it proofed (it’s the only thing I can think of, of why a baby would be consider dough), and went to the RBD. The RBD baby was fine, so I went back to check to make sure that Delco baby was being fixed, but when I got back proofer the baby was in was broken open and glass was every where. I could only assume they wanted to hurry the process and over proofed the baby. Which was correct, almost. Apparently one of the cooks had his own way to speed of the process and ended up over proofing only part of the baby, and when I looked the baby was the size of a 2 year old, but with the arms of a grown man, and was laughing freely as 2 of the cooks held each arm and let the baby pull itself up and down and swing back and forth.

Lets just say at this point I woke up due to sheer phreakness. I don’t even want to try and have this one analyzed.

The other thing I forgot to mention was the movie Reign of Fire, nice movie, decent effects, but not enough back-story. The movie starts out on how one was awoken, and then jumps ahead 40 years, with a maybe 30 second montage of video and audio clips that’s supposed to get the viewer caught up to date with what’s happened. I personally think it was a crap move on the director, and should have focused more on how society would deal with modern weapons and a common enemy of such magnitude. But of course this is not what we saw and simply had to deal with it. The movie is set in London, so on top of the almost constant audio effects over powering the dialog, one must also contend with, at time heavy European accents.

My recommendations

1) Don’t download it. Way to many scenes in very little light, will have you looking into darkness listening to try and make out what you should be seeing

2) Go during a matinee, that way if your very disappointed, you’ll still at least have some time left in the day to see something else or hit up Blockbuster on the way home.

3 Comments on “Wednesday July 17, 2002 at 06:49 pm

  1. DOOOOD, I would be freaked out too. That’s feckin’ crazy ass dream.
    Second review I’ve read about Reign of Fire, different opinions.

  2. “heavy European accents”??? London isn’t exactly Yugoslavia, you know! Now if you said that the film was based in Glasgow, Scotland – I would sympathise with you…!

  3. Hello young DJmgyx! Thanks for stopping by my site. Be sure to tell your friends.Where there is a need, I’ll be there! Where there’s fear, I’ll be around! Where there’s a free buffet with young drunken hotties, I’m on the job! For I am The XangAvenger!!!

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